Monday, May 5, 2008

Nine (9) Types of Healing Quartz Crystals: Clear Quartz, Scepters, Tantric Twins, Smoky, Self-Healed, Phantom, Drusy and Enhydro

Quartz is a power stone. It has been called the "Universal Crystal", and is the most recognized type of crystal. It's what many people envision when they think of crystals, even though there are many types of crystals. Quartz can be icy clear or have inclusions, veils, bubbles, etc. Visual clarity normally isn't important to a quartz crystal's energetic quality and ability to amplify subtle energies.

Quartz enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. It channels universal energy. Quartz also enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection, and channeling. It is also beneficial for storing and retrieving information of all types, as information is a form of energy pattern also. This makes them particularly good for programming. Due to its ability to balance, quartz is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one's environment. Quartz is also good for energizing other crystals.
Quartz is a stone of clarity which dispels negativity and clears away negative energy. It can be used to purify and clarify on the spiritual, mental, and physical planes. It is also powerfully protective. Quartz enhances spiritual growth, spirituality and wisdom. Because it clarifies though processes and emotions it increases inspiration and creativity. It can also help particularly with concentration, studying, and retaining what one learns. Quartz is also a stone of harmony because it balances energies, and is even helpful in romantic relationships.

Double Terminated Quartz:
When placed over chakras* in a healing session they will help to harmonize and integrate the energy within each chakra. They're excellent to utilize in body layouts to bridge energies, or rebalance constricted energy, that may be inhibiting a healthy flow of energy that would denote wellness. The Double terminated Crystal Point seems to create a "contained" vortex that will filter out the dynamics that create imbalance; thus allowing a natural balance or renewal of health to be established.

Scepter Crystals
Scepter Crystals are long thin crystal rods that have another crystal growing around one tip. Scepter Crystals focus spiritual energy from higher realms deep into the center of a problem or issue. Scepter Crystals remind us of our true selves and our true paths, and give courage, especially to take a needed action. Scepters were said to be used in healing ceremonies by priests/priestesses in Atlantis and Lemuria, and were symbols of power in those realms. Scepters promote confidence and improve psychic attunement and telepathic communication.

Tantric twin / soulmate Quartz:
Tantric twin / soulmate crystals teach how to be unique and separate, while united in equal partnership. This stone will help you to know and accept yourself causing interdependence resulting in deep intimacy with another person.

You can tell a twin crystal from two crystals that are simply attached to each other, by the fact that both parts of a twin crystal are exactly parallel to each other, and have no boundary between them, much like the connection with a soulmate. A tantric twin / soulmate crystal will generate positive energy toward improving a relationship. It can help you gain insight into the underlying problems in a relationship, and help work through them. This works for any kind of relationship, not only a man-woman relationship.

Smoky Quartz:
Smoky quartz is an excellent stone for removing negativity and negative energy of any kind and transforming them to positive energy. It is also a very protective and grounding stone. It brings physical, protection, psychic protection and protection from negative energy. It enhances survival instincts, and can help one reach personal and business goals, as well as assisting in making wishes come true. Smoky quartz is beneficial for groups, and engenders cooperation. It also helps with creativity, prioritizing needs and wants, and wisdom. In addition, smoky quartz is a stone that brings abundance, prosperity, and good luck.

Emotionally, smoky quartz is excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. Smoky quartz relieves stress, fear, jealousy, anger and other negative emotions by transforming them into positive energies. Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and can be considered a stone of serenity. It can, therefore, be very helpful in relieving grief.

In the psychic and spiritual realms, smoky quartz grounds one during meditation, and can provide a grounded link between the physical and higher selves, helping to uncover subsconscious wisdom. Using smoky quartz during meditation enables you to reach higher states of consciousness. Smoky quartz also stimulates kundalini. Because smoky quartz transforms and removes negative energy, it also protects and cleanses the aura and astral bodies. It can be used for psychic shielding.

Self Healed Quartz:
Self healed crystals are recognized by crystalline structures appearing where a crystal was previously broken.

Having learned to heal itself, these crystals can reveal this knowledge to someone in the process of healing themselves or others. Crystals in general and self-healed quartz in particular are insistent on trying to teach us that nothing is ever too late, or too damaged to reach the state of inherent perfection.
Very useful and potent crystals.

"The self-healed crystal, having learned to heal itself, can lend this knowledge to the user and can share the experience of self-healing. One may use the crystal for healing of the self or in "crystal healing" of another person".

"This crystal takes situations, which appear to be devastating, and helps them to fulfil themselves - utilizing the law of the perfect order of the universe and the creativity of natural completion".

Phantom quartz
Phantom quartz crystals are formed by either the stoppage or interruption of growth, or some deposit of material on the face of the crystal during formation. In this instance, this phantom quartz stopped for a period of time during its growth, creating the characteristic ‘crystal within a crystal’ or phantom within.

The fascinating and most unusual thing about this crystal is the fact that part of the newer quartz formation has been naturally revealed showing the older, inner crystal phantom inside. As an added bonus, it has a perfect little bridge protruding from one side.

This is one of the best types of crystals to meditate with or put under your pillow for lucid dreaming or effecting astral projection.

Due to the formation of a phantom crystal, it has absorbed learning over eons of time. Putting the past into perspective it points the way toward growth and evolution and is helpful in overcoming stagnation. Phantom quartz activates healing abilities in individuals. It connects to a spirit guide and enhances meditation. It also facilitates accessing past life information and recovering repressed memories helping to put the present into context.

Drusy Quartz:
These are tiny crystals that have either formed over another crystal or on matrix. A prime example is Spirit Quartz, Fairy and Cactus Quartz. A joyous healing energy. Try Drusy for energizing your aura and promoting creativity. I like to think of drusy crystals for people who want to encourage ideas or thought forms ready to spring forth and grow.

Drusy crystals help to promote inner strength.

Enhydro Quartz Crystal:
Enhydro is Greek for "water within". These are crystals that contain pockets of pure water, mysteriously trapped in ages gone by. Water has been found in chalcedony, agate and quartz and is usually perceived by the presence of moving gas bubbles in the water. Very occasionally, there are pockets of water with no bubble but a tiny floating inclusion. It is possible to have water pockets with neither bubbles or inclusions.

"[Enhydros] also contain a life sustaining energy, initiating adaptability in situations which could, otherwise, become stressful...It is a strength to help other minerals perform in the requisite manner. This mineral can help one to put oneself in the shoes of another, and to recognize and understand the true feelings of that person.... The Enhydro assists in metamorphosis and continued change throughout all times, it provide for concentrated determination of both the acceleration and the ease of reformation of self.

In Healing, it is useful to have an Enhydro available; it assists in bringing the body to the state or specified condition that one is attempting to attain."